Sunday, November 30, 2008

Time Flies

Wow, time flies when you are having fun. Taryn and Cameron arrived home last Friday. They were so glad to be out of school for a few days. I still had Monday and Tuesday to go. We kind of celebrated their birthdays for the next few days. Their birthdays are really on November 24. Happy birthday Taryn and Cameron. Saturday Taryn and I went to a baby shower for Amanda and Jackson. He sure is cute. Kwinnae also had her baby and he is so cute too. What is with all the boys lately? Cameron had to go back and work Sunday and Monday. Taryn stayed here with us. It was fun to have her at church. All her elderly friends were so excited to see her. Monday Taryn, Chris, Kaison, Skyler, Pepi, and I all went to HighSchool Musical. It was cheesy, but I did enjoy the dancing and music. Wednesday Taryn and I cooked and cooked. She sure can make a mean pie crust. It is soooooo flakey it just melts in your mouth. Mom arrived Wed. afternoon with the turkey and stuffing. We had a great Thanksgiving with just the five of us. John as already gone to California. Happy Thanksgiving to him. We missed him. On Friday and Saturday of course we hit the craft fairs. It was fun. Mom headed back home and now so have Taryn and Cameron. It seems that everything is over so quickly. Everyone have a great week. All you college students study hard for your finals and good luck. We are proud of you. All you others keep on truckin. love you all.
Me doing what I do best

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

Maya is hungry

Let's eat

Let's eat some more

Mokee is thinking of elephanet for Thanksgiving dinner

Santa even came for a visit

Santa is learning how to keep his teeth in good shape

Santa and the clean teeth elf

All too soon everything is over and all have to go home. I'm sad.


Taryn and Cameron said...

Cute! Thanks for the left-overs! I love not having to cook!

Annie said...

oh Thanksgiving looked like fun for you too!!!